Bar Registration Each FYNK attorney is registered with the Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (Dutch Bar Association) and insured with Aon under professional indemnity policies in accordance with the rules of the Dutch Bar Association. FYNK does not have a solicitor's trust account. Therefore, FYNK is not in the position to hold third-party funds for the account of clients or other parties.
Jean-Marc Rovers has registered the following principal legal practice area in the Netherlands Bar's register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister): finance law. Based on this registration, he is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the
Netherlands Bar.
General Conditions Read our general conditions here in English or Dutch.
Complaints Procedure Read our general conditions here in English or Dutch.
Privacy and Cookie Statement This is the privacy and cookie statement (as amended from time to time) for this website ( This statement provides information on the processing of personal data of visitors of this website by Fynk Legal B.V., a private company with limited liability with corporate seat in Amsterdam and address at Singel 296-I, 1016 AD Amsterdam (FYNK).
By visiting this website, you agree to this privacy and cookie statement and the processing of your personal data in accordance therewith.
FYNK processes personal data for technical and functional management and for analysis of this website. For that purpose this website uses cookies. These are small text files, which your internet browser automatically places on the computer. FYNK uses two types of cookies:
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FYNK also processes personal data so that we are able to respond to your questions. If you get in touch with FYNK from this website through the contact form on this website, by subscribing to a newsletter, via email or by phone, we will use your personal data in order to revert on your requests. For that purpose, we process your name, contact details, communication with us and any other personal data that you provide to FYNK.
FYNK has taken appropriate technical and organisational security measures against loss or unlawful processing of your personal data. For this purpose, FYNK ensured the use by it or its suppliers of several security technologies including secure servers and firewalls, as well as the physical security of the accommodation where the data are stored.
FYNK does not provide your personal data to third-parties unless (i) that is done for the purposes set out in this privacy and cookie statement and an agreement has been entered into with that third-party safeguarding the responsible use by it of your personal data or (ii) FYNK is statutory obliged to provide such personal data to a competent authority.
FYNK deletes your personal data from its systems no later than 12 months after your last visit to this visit, unless FYNK is statutory required to store personal data for a longer period. In the meantime, you may request review, correction or deletion of your personal data processed by FYNK at any time by sending such request to
This privacy and cookie statement has been updated most recently on 21 July 2018 and is available in English and in Dutch. The Dutch text prevails.
Intellectual Property Unless otherwise indicated, FYNK owns all rights to this website and the information provided thereon, including copyrights and other intellectual property rights.
Information and Liability All information provided on or through this website is for general purposes only and does not constitute advice. FYNK is not liable for any damage resulting from the use of any information provided on or through this website.
Above terms and the information provided on or through this website are governed exclusively by Dutch law. All disputes arising out of that or in connection therewith will be resolved in first instance by the courts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
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